Friday, 12 October 2012

Child's play

Photograph by Vo Anh Kiet
This picture was the runner up for the National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2012, described as “H’Mong minority children were playing with their balloons on a foggy day in Moc Chau – Ha Giang province, Vietnam." It has a dreamlike quality, otherwordly, and yet the children and their balloon play are like any children.

Vo Anh Kiet - I have not been able to find any details about him or her - also entered another photograph for the National Geographic contest, which did not make it to the top ten, but to my mind is equally beautiful. It shows another H'Mong child, leaning into her mother. Both mother and daugther appear to share that same  dreamy child like quality that shines through the black and white photograph above.

Photograph by Vo Anh Kiet